• Published by: Elizabeth Nielson
  • November 02, 2023

What does it really mean to be “true in Christ”? - Part 2

I’m thrilled to be sharing this podcast episode with you today on the second part of a topic very close to my heart – being true followers of Jesus Christ. This is something I have learned extensively about through my own life experiences and spiritual journey. It has also been illuminated powerfully through the example of my daughter, Sarah. So let's dive in. 

The Quest for Spiritual Knowledge
Becoming devoted disciples starts with seeking personal knowledge and revelation about who the Savior is and the truthfulness of His gospel. As Sarah shared, it was when she started sincerely seeking that knowledge through prayer, scripture study, and other resources that she gained her own witness of the truth. 

I vividly remember watching the light visibly re-enter her countenance during that time of intensive study. Even though her difficult teen circumstances didn’t change much externally, her attitude, resilience, and interactions with me improved dramatically. She describes it as a “reawakening” to the soul-filling joy the gospel brings. 

The Spirit has repeatedly testified to me that gaining spiritual knowledge for ourselves through rigorous study and sincere prayer is the key to progressing to a devoted disciple. We have to nurture our testimonies from spark to flame. When we understand our divine identity and purpose, it gives us the motivation and strength to stay true to our covenants, even during stormy seasons. 

Personal revelation has blessed my life immensely. I love using the free guide available on my website prosperstronger.com to better understand God’s will for me. It contains so many inspiring questions and prompts to aid you in learning who you are and why you’re here. I know it will bless you like it has me if you take time to thoughtfully work through it. 

Sarah also mentioned regularly listening to the talk Stand Forever by Elder Lawrence Corbridge during her reawakening. That powerful sermon outlines the process of gaining spiritual knowledge in compelling detail. I highly recommend studying it as you seek greater light and truth.

Spiritual Precipices 
Being true followers of Christ also frequently requires us to leave our comfort zones and face difficult things. As she shared, Sarah eventually had an experience that pulled her away from consistent gospel living for a short time. I distinctly sensed the warning promptings of the Spirit that she was in spiritual danger, though she denied anything was wrong. 

This heart-wrenching season required me to fast, pray, and exercise faith with more intensity than ever before. It taught me in unforgettable ways that it is often when we are most uncomfortable, battling the natural tendencies of the flesh, that we learn and progress the most. 

Though incredibly difficult, these experiences teach us absolute reliance through the Savior Jesus Christ and His infinite grace. They illuminate the stark contrast between the fleeting enticements of the world and the eternal blessings Christ offers. We learn that we have to figuratively leave behind the pleasures, distractions, and vices of the world in order to receive the fullness of light and truth.

Book of Mormon Heroes
In my quest to remain faithful through adversity, I’m inspired by the example of the Stripling Warriors in the Book of Mormon. Despite their extreme youth, these brave souls were “true at all times in whatsoever thing they were entrusted” (Alma 53:20). 

Imagine being only 11 or 12 years old and choosing to take up weapons of war to defend truth and freedom. Yet they did so courageously, going on the offensive against the much older and more numerous Lamanites. These teens were “exceedingly valiant for courage, and also for strength and activity” (Alma 53:20). It wasn't just their stature that prepared them for battle but it was also their valor and courage.

When injured in conflict, these faithful young men stayed “firm and undaunted” (Alma 57:20). Their complete trust in God buoyed them up. Though “many wounds” covered their bodies, “they did not fear death” and refused to back down (Alma 57:25). 

Imagine the scene as these injured teens heroically fought on, heedless of their wounds. What incredible faith! Their example vividly demonstrates that when we fully trust God and exercise mighty faith, miracles happen. Despite overwhelming odds, every single one survived. 

Just as promised in Alma 57:21, “according to their faith . . . it was done unto them.” When we trust God enough to sacrifice our own will in order to keep covenants,“the Lord our God did visit us with assurances that he would deliver us” (Alma 58:11). He will keep His promises to the faithful.

Our Divine Responsibilities
In my moments of fear or fatigue, I’m motivated by remembering that just as the Sons of Helaman were entrusted with the freedoms of the Nephites, we have each been entrusted with great responsibilities. Our Heavenly Parents sent us to earth with a specific mission to accomplish that only we can fulfill. What confidence that gives!

I constantly evaluate and pray about how to become the daughter of God that He needs me to be. When I learned of my divine personal mission, it initially felt daunting. But accepting that God trusts me empowers me to align my will more fully with His. Understanding I have a purpose and potential gives direction and motivation.

We have also been entrusted as members of Christ’s restored Church with sacred covenants and truths. Do we honor our baptismal covenants daily by actively serving God and keeping His commandments? Do we renew those covenants worthily each week by partaking of the sacrament with a repentant heart? Are we continually firm in the face of opposition? 

When we make and strive to keep covenants, it allows God’s transforming and healing power access into our lives. Even during painful refinement, we can feel peace in knowing we are becoming what He needs us to be. Our divine destiny awaits!

Reactivation Through Grace
Heavenly Father is so invested in helping us fulfill our potential as His children. When Sarah used her agency to turn from the gospel for a time, He did not give up on her. As soon as she turned back to Him with sincere intent, she was encircled in His love and forgiveness. 

She has felt His enabling power so tangibly throughout her reawakening process. As she said, “It was really cool because there were so many experiences I had where I really truly felt the arms of the Savior just outstretched to me.” She described it as an “overwhelming feeling of love.” 

I know her relationship with the Savior is now more deeply rooted than ever because of the redemption she experienced. Elder Cook reminded us that because of the Atonement of Christ, “We . . . can seek our own testimony . . . repent of our sins and find peace.” What joy comes through accessing the full healing power of the Atonement!

Promises for the True in Heart
Our loving Heavenly Father has promised truly extraordinary blessings to those who remain true to the covenants they make with Him. In addition to the miraculous preservation they experienced, the Stripling Warriors would have been blessed with peace of conscience, and joy in the Holy Ghost. That is God’s promise to all the faithful.

We are also promised miracles, joy, light, truth, knowledge, protection, and divine guidance through the Holy Ghost. Above all, we are promised that through the Atonement of Christ, we can return to God’s presence with our families and experience never-ending happiness.  

But in order to receive these glorious blessings, we must demonstrate that we are valiant in the testimony of Jesus. We cannot expect to receive celestial glory by living a casual, lukewarm gospel life. That simply will not do when eternal life is at stake! We must sacrifice worldly pleasures and ambitions to show our devotion.

Nothing the world has to offer could ever possibly compare to the rewards of eternity with our perfected Heavenly Parents and families. The choice is simple, but staying true through earth’s tribulations takes courage and constant re-commitment. We must press forward with steadfastness in Christ.

Standing for Christ - An Invitation to You!
I want to extend a heartfelt invitation to each of you to thoughtfully evaluate your life and look for ways to become more fully converted and devoted to Christ? Small daily acts of faithfulness add up to a lifetime of fidelity.

As Elder Vincent pleaded, “Get fair dinkum now!” In Australian lingo, being fair dinkum means giving your all and being fully committed to the cause. Just as the Savior gave His all for us, we must demonstrate complete loyalty and dedication to Him. 

You can begin by seeking personal revelation of your divine worth and purpose. Study the Savior’s character and teachings more intently each day. Make your covenants a driving force rather than a distant memory. When you inevitably stumble, let His grace lift and strengthen you. 

I know you can do this! And you won’t be alone. Sarah and I will walk this journey of faithful discipleship with you, buoying you up along the way. I’m so thrilled that Sarah has started an Instagram account called “Stand Up and Shine” for this exact purpose. It is specifically designed to help young women stand for Christ in today’s world. 

The content is uplifting and relevant. You’ll also find gorgeous artwork, motivating quotes, and fun products to strengthen your faith. I hope you’ll go subscribe and get involved with that phenomenal community of believers. Sarah is passionately committed to helping girls just like you gain courage to let your light shine.

Sisters, stay true! As we strive together to become devoted disciples of our Beloved Savior, our testimonies will grow exponentially. We will have the Holy Ghost as our constant companion and guide. Our Father’s glorious blessings will distill upon us. I know heavenly joy awaits. Keep your faith anchored in Christ, the one sure Foundation. You are so loved!
