• Published by: Elizabeth Nielson
  • December 14, 2023

Walking the Covenant Path: God's 5-Finger Promise

We all face trials and challenges as we walk through life. At times, the path can feel lonely, difficult, and overwhelming. This is especially true when our hearts feel broken by disappointment, grief, or simply the weariness of a fallen world. In those moments of darkness, it can be easy to forget we are not alone on this journey. 

Through His infinite grace and mercy, God has given us sacred covenants and promises to provide strength, protection, and reassurance along the way. As Emily Belle Freeman taught in her recent General Conference talk Walking in Covenant Relationship with Christ, keeping our covenants connects us to divine power that enables us to press forward, even when we feel broken.

As children of God, we inherently yearn for connection with our Heavenly Parents. We seek protection, reassurance, and strength to press forward when we feel broken or weary. God, in His infinite grace and mercy, has provided a way to receive that divine connection and power - through sacred covenants. 

When we choose to enter into and keep holy covenants like baptism, we forge an unbreakable relationship with our Heavenly Father. Keeping covenants is more than just obeying a list of rules. It is about fostering a relationship of love, trust, and reliance with our Savior Jesus Christ. It is embracing His promise that by choosing to walk with Him on the covenant path, we connect ourselves to His grace, which enables us to endure all things. 

Covenants grant us access to strength beyond our natural capacity - a divine power to press forward with faith even when we feel crushed, lonely or inadequate. What greater blessing could God offer than the assurance we never have to walk life's journey alone?

What is a Covenant?
Simply put, it is a two-way promise between us and God. Sister Freeman explained that “A covenant is not only a contract, although that is important. It is about a relationship.” She reiterated what President Russell M. Nelson has taught - that “the covenant path is all about our relationship with God.” 

When we choose to enter into a covenant, like baptism, we voluntarily commit ourselves to obeying God’s laws and commandments. In return, He extends specific blessings and privileges to us. Covenants provide a framework to strengthen our connection with our Heavenly Father and act as a lifeline to hold onto during storms. As we strive to keep our covenants, God promises the guidance and strength we need to safely walk the path back to His presence. 

The 5-Finger Promise
To illustrate God’s commitment to helping us along the covenant path, Sister Freeman shared a beautiful analogy. In the Old Testament, the prophet Jacob was fleeing for his life from his angry brother Esau. 

One night as he camped alone, Jacob had a remarkable experience - he wrestled with a being who turned out to be Jehovah Himself. During this encounter, God made Jacob an extraordinary 5-fold promise, as if extending five fingers to grasp Jacob’s hand in an unbreakable covenant clasp. 

Sister Freeman said this 5-finger promise remains in force for all those who, like Jacob, choose to enter into a covenant relationship with God. Let’s explore the components of this foundational promise:

1. I Am With You 
The first finger promises, “I am with you.” No matter how steep and rocky the path becomes, we do not walk alone. An omniscient, all-powerful being has covenanted to accompany us on our journey. He will never abandon or forsake us, no matter how far we wander or how desperate our circumstances may become. As we strive to draw near to Him through scripture study, prayer, temple worship, and service, we will increasingly feel His loving presence guiding our way.

2. I Will Keep You Safe
The second finger assures, “I will keep you safe.” Like a parent securing a toddler’s hand before crossing a busy road, God has covenanted to keep us from spiritual and physical harm. While He often allows us to experience difficult challenges for our growth and development, He promises to consecrate those challenges for our gain. As we strive to keep our covenants, He will protect us from anything that might permanently damage our eternal souls or disrupt His plans for our happiness. President Nelson has taught that God Himself will fight our battles on the covenant path.

3. I Will Bring You Home Again 
The third finger testifies, “I will bring you home again.” No matter how far we may wander off the path or into the wilderness, God has covenanted through His Only-Begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to redeem us from physical death and sin. His gospel plan includes a universal resurrection where all will regain their physical bodies. Those who exercise faith, repent, make covenants, and endure faithfully to the end will receive the incomprehensible gift of eternal life back in God’s presence. With this promise in place, there is no need to fear failure or the unknown road ahead. Our loving Heavenly Parents created this entire plan for one purpose - to bring us safely home.

4. I Will Not Leave You Alone
The fourth finger assures, “I will not leave you alone.” How often do we irrationally fear being forsaken or having to handle trials alone? God has covenanted this will never happen as we strive to follow His Son, Jesus Christ. In reality, we are surrounded by heavenly help in the form of guardian angels, the gift of the Holy Ghost, and even the empathetic understanding of our Savior, who promises: “I will not leave you comfortless” (John 14:18). Through ever-available inspiration and guidance, we can receive strength tailored to our unique challenges. We are never alone.

5. I Will Keep My Promise to You 
Finally, the fifth finger confirms, “I will keep my promise to you.” This reaffirms that God is bound when we do what He says but that when we obey, He will always uphold His end without fail. We worship an unchanging Being of absolute integrity who simply cannot lie or break His word. Despite our human weakness and shortcomings, He patiently waits with open arms to bless and heal. His generous grace compensates for all our gaps as soon as we turn our hearts to Him in covenant faithfulness.

Covenants Connect Us to Christ
In the end, the 5-finger promise forms the very foundation of the new and everlasting covenant that allows us as imperfect as we are to once again return to the presence of our Heavenly Father. It echoes the words of the sacramental prayers, as we pledge our willingness to follow Christ’s example and keep His commandments. In return, God promises with divine authority that Christ’s grace is sufficient to perfect and redeem all who rely wholly upon it. 

With God’s sworn commitment before us, what remains is our choice whether or not to trust Him. Will we rely on Him to fight our battles, redeem our weaknesses, and lead us safely along the covenant path back to His presence? As we come unto Him, trust Him, have faith in Him, believe Him, and follow Him, we will feel His redeeming and strengthening power in our lives. 

Despite adversity and broken hearts, we can press forward with faith, allowing His grace to heal and make us whole. Just like Jacob, we simply need to choose to enter into an eternal covenant, grasp hold of God’s 5-finger promise, and never let go.
