• Published by: Elizabeth Nielson
  • February 01, 2024

Keeping the Faith Even Through Trials

As I was driving home after dropping my daughter off at school the other morning, some emotional music came on that brought up feelings of sorrow and grief. It reminded me of a talk from the most recent General Conference that got me thinking - why do we sometimes believe the false idea that life is supposed to be easy? 

The talk was by Elder Cook on being a peaceable follower of Christ and it made me realize that nowhere in the gospel does it say our lives will be free of trials. In fact, the opposite is true - we are clearly told that disciples of Christ will face opposition and difficulties. 

Come to think of it I’ve been studying the words of prophets and God diligently for years and have never found a scripture or teaching that says life will be perfect if we just follow the commandments. No one escapes tribulations - it’s simply part of the mortal experience. 

But there is great purpose in our suffering and in life not being seamless. When we face things that stretch us, our hearts expand and we can choose to lean more fully into God. Our trials give us a chance to submit our will more to His and grow closer to our divine potential, just as bread dough expands when it rises. 

We chose to come to earth to be proven - to show God whether He can trust us to follow His commandments through all things. If we let our trials make our hearts hard, we don’t reach our potential. But if we let them help us grow, we allow them to soften us and shape us into devoted disciples like our Savior.

Why Me? Finding Strength Through Our Suffering
It’s so easy to ask why trials happen, especially when we feel we’re doing our best to be righteous and follow the commandments. But that question rarely helps. My father taught me when my mother got cancer that we weren’t going to ask why – he knew she was one of the most Christlike people on earth. 

Over the decades, I’ve witnessed him endure every possible tragedy and trial. He’s been widowed twice, buried two children, nearly starved, and faced financial ruin multiple times. But his testimony remains rock-solid because it was the Savior who got him through those excruciating experiences. 

I’ve had to walk through my own Gethsemane for nearly 19 years in a marriage where my husband turned against the gospel. While full of agonizing moments, it’s a trial that has shaped me profoundly by teaching me to fully rely on the Savior. 

As Elder Holland teaches, if we follow Christ we must go where His path leads, even if that’s through our personal Gethsemane. But we can feel peace knowing that through our heartache, Christ is right by our side weeping with us. Righteous people suffer not because God has abandoned them, but because He trusts them to grow.

Finding Strength Through Covenants 
In our trials it’s vital to remember that our destiny is unchanged - we’re still promised glorious blessings for faithfulness. We must pray relentlessly, trusting that God hears our cries even when we feel alone. He is our Father and we are His children; He feels every distress. 

As President Eyring promises, if we accept the Savior’s invitation to come unto Him with meekness, accepting His covenants and commandments, He will strengthen us personally through any storm. He knows the way – He is the way.  

Walking this path is not easy, but it definitely can be made easier with the help of the Savior. If we choose each day to take His hand and let Him guide our steps, He will give us rest, hope, perspective and healing. Our pain will end, our questions will have answers. We will dwell with God in eternal joy.

Finding Peace Through Faith in Christ
When you feel overwhelmed by the turbulence of life, I urge you to turn fully to the Savior. Praise Him, lean into your covenants, and plead for His help. Remember that you are so deeply loved. 

Trust in God’s promises that as we focus on the Savior, brighter days await. Build your foundation upon Him so that nothing can blow you over. Allow your trials to soften your heart, helping you become a more devoted disciple of Jesus Christ. Let God prevail in your life and the way will open before you.

If you would like to learn more about Prosper Stronger and learn how you can better prepare yourself to receive personal revelation please visit ProsperStronger.com.
