• Published by: Elizabeth Nielson
  • January 30, 2024

3 Steps For Setting Goals Aligned With God's Will

It's that time of year again when many of us set New Year's resolutions or goals for self-improvement and change. However, research shows that very few people actually stick to and achieve the goals and resolutions they set out for themselves. Only about 7% of people keep their resolutions for longer than 2 weeks, and only 3% consistently carry them through the entire year! 

Why do so many of us fail when it comes to realizing our goals? As I've pondered this question over the years and tried various goal-setting techniques myself, I've come to believe that the key is aligning our goals with God's will for our lives. When we set goals with guidance from the Savior and through personal revelation from the Holy Ghost, we gain access to power beyond our own to help accomplish those goals. 

In this post, I want to share a simple, 3-step process for setting goals that are aligned with God's will and supported by divine help to achieve them. This process has made a tremendous difference in my own life as I've set and worked towards both long-term goals as well as yearly targets. I know it can do the same for you!

Step 1: Pay Attention to the Desires of Your Heart
The first step is to get a very clear understanding of your own desires. Heavenly Father has put righteous desires in each of our hearts that reflect the work He would have us do. These desires are customized to our individual missions and purposes here on earth. They act as a compass to reveal the direction God wants you to go and the work He is asking you to perform at this time.  

Make a list of any goals, projects, or areas of self-improvement you desire. A good way to do this is by following the same pattern in the Church’s children and youth programs and setting physical, spiritual, and intellectual goals:

  • Physical: What righteous desires do you have around improving your health, increasing fitness levels, changing eating habits, or managing weight? God cares about the condition of your physical body because it houses your eternal spirit. Setting physical goals can allow Him to guide you to greater well-being.
  • Spiritual: What desires do you feel to draw closer to God through more consistent prayer, in-depth study of the scriptures, doing family history work, or more dedicated temple or church service? Pay attention to spiritual impressions directing you to strengthen and deepen your relationship with divinity.
  • Intellectual: What educational goals stir your heart and mind towards learning new things? Do you feel drawn to develop new skills, achieve career advancements, or expand your knowledge on topics of interest? God sometimes places righteous desires for intellectual growth within us.

As you make your list, don't overthink or discount any righteous desire that comes to mind. They serve as clues to God's will. For example, some desires I've felt over the years were around improving my health and fitness, holding a retreat to uplift LDS women in their spiritual lives, and improving my skills in teaching the gospel to my family and others. 

What righteous desires currently reside in your heart? What goals or areas of self-improvement do you want to work towards? Make a list now of any righteous desires that come to mind as you review the major areas of life above.

Step 2: Go to the Lord in Prayer
Once you have a list of righteous desires and potential goals, the next vital step is to take them to the Lord in earnest prayer for clarification and guidance. Meaningful prayer allows you to have a real conversation with God and get confirmation and direction straight from the source.  

Approach Heavenly Father in humility and respect. Verbally present each desire and potential goal to Him clearly. Simply state the desire and then pause quietly to allow spiritual impressions to flow into your mind. Specifically ask God for confirmation on whether or not He would have you focus on that desire or goal at the present time. If so, ask Him what the highest priority items are versus those that could wait.

Additionally, ask Him to guide you in knowing which precise goals align best right now with accomplishing His work and His will in your life. Ask for clarity if goals need to be adjusted or reworded to match His intended purpose for you. Inquire if there is a certain order He would have you tackle goals. 

Seek inspiration on realistic timing for when to start and complete each goal. Ask if smaller intermediate targets need to be set first before reaching the big-picture goal. Inquire about any immediate action steps He would have you start taking. The clarification received will allow you to write goals with more aligned purpose, promise, and power.

As you pray, be sure to listen closely for any thoughts or promptings that come to mind. It helps to keep a pad and pen handy to jot down guidance as you receive it. Inspiration may come in many different forms so it’s best to be prepared for however it might come to you.

For example, when I felt a desire to hold an uplifting retreat for women, I fervently took that to the Lord. In return, I received confirmation that strengthening other women’s spiritual self-confidence and connection with God was indeed part of my personal mission. I also received guidance that gathering retreat materials substantially in advance would be needed. This revelation directly shaped both the wording and actions for my goal. 

Make time to prayerfully turn each desire over to God for clarification. Then listen with believing intent for the vital guidance He waits to provide you.

Step 3: Create an Inspired Vision
After presenting your righteous desires to God and listening for His guidance, the next step is to write down the goals He would have you set right now. His clarification will allow you to write goals with more power, purpose, and promise to them.

In your journal, Google Doc, or even your notes app on your phone, record each goal the Lord revealed aligns with His will and work for you right now. Capture goals exactly as He clarified and enhanced them through the revelation He gave. You might only receive a portion of key details on how to accomplish really big goals, but ensure you write what guidance has been given. Those details will launch you forward. 

For example, after pouring out my desire in prayer to hold a spiritual retreat for LDS women and waiting patiently on the Lord, I received a flow of confirmation and details. I was then able to write my goal as, “In 2023, I will plan and hold an in-person weekend retreat for LDS women focused on more fully understanding their divine identities as daughters of God and strengthening their personal revelation.”

While I didn’t yet have every logistic around the retreat spelled out after praying, I did receive enough key details from God to craft an aligned goal statement. Writing this out in obedience set me further on the path to realizing greater revelation on timing, location, advertising, budget, and program outline in the coming weeks. 

Having clear, written goals aligned with God's voice and will is just the starting point, but it makes all the difference. Prayerfully writing down only the goals God guides you to focus on draws a sacred circle around them. Recording inspired goals establishes them in your heart and mind, cementing your commitment.

Regularly return to read your written goals, once in the morning and again before bed. This daily attention focuses your mind and subconscious on them and allows you to see key resources you hadn’t before. It also fuels the needed motivation during difficulties that will arise with all meaningful goals.

Set Inspired Goals Today 
I hope this simple process of desiring, praying, and writing down inspired goals gives you renewed motivation in setting goals and resolutions today aligned with God's will for your life. I know that when we seek to understand and submit to His will above our own, divine help is given to accomplish what He would have us do.

I invite you to try this process for yourself. Discover the righteous desires God has already placed in your heart, take those desires to Him for clarification, and then write down whatever goals and next steps He guides you towards. As you take consistent daily actions towards them, no matter how small, you will feel His power sustaining and strengthening you each step of the way until you accomplish them.

If you are interested in learning more about how you can better receive personal revelation in your life, visit ProsperStronger.com where you can download a free personal revelation guide. Thank you, and I wish you the best on your journey to #ProsperStronger 
